

From a 6.3 million sample of 1990 US Census Data

                                 Cum.        Rank
                                 Freq. %
FREDENBURG      78.443     20,893 th most common name
VREDENBURGH   81.935     30,934 th most common name
VREDENBURG      85.728     48,763 th most common name
VRADENBURG      86.480     53,522 th most common name

In the church of Somerville, New Jersey, where I was afterwards pastor, John Vredenburgh preached for a great many years. He felt that his ministry was a failure and others felt so, although he was a faithful minister, preaching the Gospel all the time. He died, and died amid some discouragements, and went home to God; for no one ever doubted that John Vredenburgh was a good Christian minister. A little while after his death, there came a great awakening in Somerville, and one Sabbath two hundred souls stood up at the Christian altar espousing the cause of Christ, among them my own father and mother. What was peculiar in regard to nearly all of those two hundred souls was, that they dated their religious impressions from the ministry of John Vredenburgh. --T. De Witt Talmage

Know of any additions you would like to add here? Contact me. Larry Vredenburgh vrede@bak.rr.com