Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!) - pafn64 - Generated by Personal Ancestral File

Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!)


Willem Van Vredenburgh

SOURCE: NY Gen and Biog. Soc. RECORD Vol 21 p. 165 CHR: Ref'dDutch Church. Willem Vredenburgh and Sara de Mil, sponsors.

Catharina Scott

SOURCE: Johnson, Carol Clark, 1993, The Scotts of Balwearie (LeoncaPublications: Fairhope, AL.) 110p. CHR. Sponsors William d'Meyerand Catherine Bayard.

Jannetje Vredenburgh

SOURCE: NY Gen. & Biog. Soc. COLLECTIONS Vol. II (1901), p. 398.CHR: At Ref'd. Dutch Church, NY, Pieter Van Velse and Jannetje Jooste,sponsors.

Samuel Vredenburgh

SOURCE: NY Gen. & Biog. Soc. COLLECTIONS Vol. II (1901). CHR: AtRef'd. Dutch Church, NY, Joost Vredenburgh and Apalony Vredenburgh,sponsors.

Christina Vredenburgh

SOURCE: NY Gen. & Biog. Soc. COLLECTIONS Vol. II (1901) p. 500;Yearbook of the Holland Soc. of NY , 1899, Burials in the Dutch Ch. NYCHR: At Ref'd. Dutch Church, NY., Johannes Vredenburgh, Judith VanSeys, sponsors.

Jannetje Vredenburgh

SOURCE: NY Gen. & Biog. Soc. COLLECTIONS Vol. II (1901). CHR: AtRef'd. Dutch Church, NY, Johannes and his wife Jannetje Vredenburgh,sponsors.

Elizabeth Vredenburgh

SOURCE: NY Gen. & Biog. Soc. COLLECTIONS Vol. II (1901), p. 475.Yearbook of the Holland Soc. of NY, 1899, Burials in the Dutch ChurchNY CHR: At Ref'd. Dutch Church, NY, Joseph Tayler, Gerretje VanVelse, his wife, sponsors.

Isaac Vredenburgh

SOURCE: NY Gen. & Biog. Soc. COLLECTIONS Vol. II (1901), 405. CHR:At Ref'd. Dutch Church, NY, Jacobus Goelet and Annatje Vredenburgh,sponsors.

Catharina De Graff

BIRTH: Alternative last name: De Graff

Jacob Vredenburgh

SOURCE: NY Gen and Biog Record Vol 84 p . 210 CHR: Rhinebeck FlatsRef'd. Dutch Church. Thomas Louis and Anna Dorothea Elich,sponsors.

Isaak Vredenburgh

SOURCE: NY Gen. and Biog Record Vol 84 p. 117 BAPTISM: RhinebeckFlats Ref'd. Dutch Church. Symon Westval and Marritje, his wife,sponsors.

Abraham Vredenburgh

SOURCE: NY Gen and Biog Record Vol 85 p. 213 BAPTISM: RhinebeckFlats Ref'd Dutch Church. Petrus Oostrander and Marretje Westfaal,sponsors.

Johannes Vredenburgh

SOURCE: NY Gen. and Biog Record Vol. 84 p. 212 CHR: RhinebeckFlatts Ref'd. Dutch Church. Abraham Vreedenburg, sponsor.

Petrus Vredenburgh

SOURCE: NY Gen and Biog. Record Vol 85 p. 50 CHR: Rhinebeck FlatsRef'd. Dutch Church. Petrg Van Vreedenberg and Jannetie VanVreedenberg, sponsors.

Johannis William Vredenburgh

SOURCE: Notes on the Vredenburgh and Burnett Families by E. ReuelSmith, 1917, The Knickerbocker Press:NY CHR: God-Parents: MatthiasNack, Janna (Appolonia?) Vredenburgh. Daughters of the AmericanRevolution MILITARY: Was sergeant in the Company of Grenadiers1775-6. January 29, 1776 he offered with other members of thefirst Batallion of Independent Companies to enter the service of hiscountry. He served as a sergeant in Col Lasher's Regiment of New Yorkmilitia. On 25 Feb 1777 roll of Col Lasher's Regiment he is listed asLieutenant. He was under Col. John Lasher at White Plains when he wasrecommended for promotion by his superior officers on account of hisefficient service.

Petrus Benedict Vredenburgh

SOURCE: Enc. of Am. Biog. vol 25 BIOG: "He was a merchant in NewBrunswick and the record in an old Dutch BiBle belonging to the familystates he died 'in the 79th year with his faculties but littleimpaired and executing the duties of County Treasurer, an office hefilled without interruption for 42 years.' "

Margaret Schureman

SOURCE: NY Gen and Biog Record Oct. 1892 p. 204