Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!) - pafn625 - Generated by Personal Ancestral File

Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!)


Elizabeth Nevius Vredenburgh

Source: Wynkoop, Richard, 1902, Suremans of New Jersey, (TheKnickerbocker Press: Brooklyn, NY). Biography: Wynkoop p. 52.Elizabeth Nevius Vredenburgh, born 22, December, 1810, baptized 27,January, 1811: died 13, June, 1857 at Fetteguhr, India: married 3,June, 1851, Rev. John Edgar Freeman, born in 1809, died 13, June,1857. His first wife, Mary Anne Beach, died 8, August, 1849, at thePresbyterian Mission, Allahabad, India. His health was feeble, and hereturned home; but he improved so much, that he married, and took hiswife to the mission field, where they labored, for six years atMynpourie, about 250 miles distant from Allahabad. In November, 1856,they were transferred to Fetteguhr, where the Sepoy mutineers tookthem prisoners, and shot them dead. "They were among the mostself-denying, earnest, and efficient missionaries of their day. "Wynkoop quotes/cites: Manual of Reformed Church: Annals of AmericanPulpit, vol ix. Also see:http://delta.ulib.org/ulib/data/moa/84f/26c/1ec/218/8f1/7/data.txthttp://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=moa;idno=AGA4292

Amos Henry Vredenburgh

CEMETERY RECORDS: Soldier Valley Cemetery Records. OBITUARY:Little Sioux-Pisgah Hustler, 13 Feb 1903; Amos H. Vredenburgh,after a short illness of typhoid fever and nervous prostration,Amos passed away at the home of his parents, Sun evening 8 Feb1903, aged 34 years, 1 month and 19 days. Born in Harrison County,20 Dec 1868, leaves a wife and 3 children, funeral by Elder Smithof Independence, MO from LDS Church Tuesday. CENSUS RECORDS:1900 Census of Spring Valley Twp, Monona, IA., Note: Amos'brother, James was living with them. MARRIAGE RECORD: MononaCounty, p.26; Amos H. Vredenburgh, of Little Sioux, farmer, 24,white, C, 1st, b. Little Sioux, f. Charles Vredenburgh, m. JeanChase, m. Francis Grace Montague, of Moorhead, age 25, W, C, 1st,b. Dow City, Crawford, f. George Montague, m. Margaret FrancisAndrews, m. 29 nov 1892 Moorhead.

Francis Grace Montague

PARENTAGE: Francis Grace, daughter of George and Margaret Francis(Andrews) Montague. CENSUS RECORDS: 1920 Census of Lamoni,Decatur, IA.