Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!) - pafn433 - Generated by Personal Ancestral File

Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!)


Chalmer J. Fradenburg

BIRTH: Record #1/220 Local File #160 Lake County Clerk at Baldwin, MIMARRIAGE: Record #7724 Mecosta County Clerk at Big Rapids, MIMarried 2 Jul 1932 at Chase, Lake, MI by R. E. ???rig Minister of theUnited Brethren Church in the presence of Lillian Fralick and CeloLusby. BAPTISM: 21 Mar 1948 First Congregational Church ofWhitehall, MI. Rev. Raymond Boadway Chalmer J., Gertrude D. and RuthAnn Fradenburg were all christened on the same day. DEATH: LocalFile #525 State File #405031 Muskegon County Clerk at Muskegon, MI.OBIT: From Muskegon Chronicle and the White Lake Form newspapers.OCCUPATION: Licenced Barber 1926-1977 (Michigan) Worked at "Al'sMarket" 1930 (MI/IN/FL) 1st Mate on the fishing boat "Snooks"1931-early 1932 (Little River, Florida) owned bt Capt. Bill Peters.1933-35 Civil Conservation Corps (Michigan) 1937 Barbering inScottville, MI 1939 Barbering in Ludington, MI Continental Motors1941-1945 (Muskegon, Michigan) Owned & Operated Chalmer's Marina1954-1971 (Whitehall, Michigan) BIOGRAPHY: Chalmer J. Fradenburg(26 Mar 1910 - 5 Jul 1977) Chalmer J. Fradenburg was born in ChaseTwp. Lake, MI to Henry Arthur Fradenburg and Jessie Mabel Linderman ontheir farm, Chalmer being the first born of this couple. He attendedthe Samis and Crandell schools in Chase Township. He left school inthe 8th grade and he then attended Barber School in Detroit, MI at age16 or 17. While in Detroit he lived with his Aunt MargaretLinderman-Kierstead. After leaving the Detroit area he went to NewCarlisle, St. Joseph, IN to start a Barber Shop of his own thatfailed. When living at New Carlisle he made his home with his UncleSeymour and Aunt Nina Smith-Fradenburgh and cousin RaymondFradenburgh.

Maria Hellen Benedeth


Hugh Lytle

SOURCE: Black, Susan E., 1993, Early Members of the Reorganized Churchof Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Brigham Young University)Vol. IV, p. 190. CHURCH AFFILIATION: Hugh Lytle joined the LDSChurch, he was baptized a member of the RLDS Church on 3 March1861 at Belvidere, Monona, Iowa, by John McIntosh. He wasconfirmed by John A. McIntosh and Cornelius McIntosh. He wasappointed to serve a mission by the General Conference of 1863.

Jacob True

Resided at Salisbury, NH.