Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!) - pafn117 - Generated by Personal Ancestral File

Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!)


Commodore Roger Conyers

SOURCE: Black, Susan E., 1993, Early Members of the Reorganized Churchof Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Brigham Young University) Vol.II, p. 272. BIOG: Comodore R. Conyers was baptized a member of theRLDS Church on 31 August 1862 by S. W. Condit. He was confirmed byCondit and Reynolds. He attended the Little Sioux, IA Branch.

Amelia Lippincott Vredenburgh

BIOGRAPHY: In 1958, living in Spring Lake, NJ

Samuel Robinson Knight

Biography: In 1958 lived with his sister Elizabeth in Spring Lake NJ


SOURCE: Dixon Evening Telegraph Oct 13, 1928 p. 1, c. 3 BIOG: In1928 Mary lived in Minneapolis

Peter Vredenburgh

CENSUS: 1820 Galen Twp., Seneca Co. NY. Males: <10: 1, >16<26: 1,Females: >26<45: 1, 1830 Savannah Twp., Wayne County p. 208 or411, or 104. Males <5 = 2, >15<20 = 1, >40<50 = 1. Females: >5 <10 =1, >10<15 = 2, >30<40 = 1.

John Vredenburgh

CENSUS: 1810 Cayuga Co., NY Males: <10: 1, >16 <26: 1 there are nofemales listed.