Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!) - pafn109 - Generated by Personal Ancestral File

Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!)


James Hurst

JAMES HURST, who is engaged in carrying on the farm of his father, onSection 10, Kennebec Township, is the son of Thomas Hurst, a native ofBuckinghamshire, England, who was born February 3, 1815. Thomas Hurstwas married in his native land and there his children were born. In1862, the Hurst family came to America and for about two years madetheir home in Canada, after which they moved to Monona County,arriving at Onawa January 1, 1864. The family settled in section 5, inBelvidere Township, purchasing some eighty acres of land of theAmerican Emigrant Company, and there they made their home about twoyears, but were then driven out by high water, after living about twoweeks in the loft of their log cabin. From there Thomas Hurst removedto Kennebec Township, and located on section 10, where he is stillliving, one of the old and highly respected citizens of that portionof the community. He has reached the ripe age of seventy-five, andwith his good wife, whose years numbered eighty, she having been bornApril 17, 1810, is quietly enjoying the evening of life, watching thelengthening shallows, and both are well cared for by their dutifulson, James. James Hurst, in the spring of 1864, went from here to NewYork City, to live with his brother, Thomas D., with the intention oflearning stereotyping, but before finishing his trade, the brothersold out, and they both removed to Belleville, W. Va., where Thomasengaged in farming and James attended school. The latter, in April,1868, returned to Monona County and for a few years made his home withhis parents, after which he went to Philadelphia, where, in companywith his brother, Charles, he engaged in the stereotyping business.Two years later he came to Monona County arriving in the spring of1870, and employed his time on the family farm, until attaining hismajority when he took a homestead on section 10, Kennebec Township.After five years residence he sold the place and took a rented farm onsection 4, which he carried on for some thee years. During this timehe was united in marriage March 22, 1878, with Miss Sarah E. Myers,the daughter of John Myers, and purchasing some two hundred and fortyacres of land on section 13, Ashton Township, he removed to that partof the county and there remained until drowned out by the high water,of 1882. The following year he lived in Onawa, renting a farm in itsvicinity. In 1884 he removed again to his farm, but again, in thefall, the water swept his hay, etc., down into the stream of the muddyMissouri, and all winter long the waters stood in a frozen sheet overthe most of the bottom. In the following spring he purchased onehundred and twenty acres on section 10, in the same township, butshortly after sold it and after spending a summer in Nebraska,purchased a place in Lincoln Township, upon which he remained somethree months, when the sickness of his father drew him to the latter'sside. Here he has since remained. Mr. and Mrs. James Hurst have had afamily of five children, all of whom are still living. Their names areThomas R., William G., Clyde, Mark and Guy. Source: History of MononaCounty, Iowa 1890, (National Publishing Company: Chicago) CENSUS: 1880Name: James Hurst Home in 1880: Grant, Monona, Iowa Age: 25 Estimatedbirth year: abt 1855 Birthplace: England Relation tohead-of-household: Self (Head) Spouse's name: Sarah E. Father'sbirthplace: England Mother's birthplace: England Occupation: FarmerMarital Status: Married Race: White Household Members: Name Age JamesHurst 25 Sarah E. Hurst 24 Thomas R. Hurst 1 CENSUS: 1920 Name:James Hurst Home in 1920: Pearson, Rankin, Mississippi Age: 67 yearsEstimated birth year: abt 1853 Birthplace: England Relation to Head ofHouse: Head Spouse's name: Sarah E Father's Birth Place: EnglandMother's Birth Place: England Marital Status: Married Race: White Sex:Male Home owned: Own Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes HouseholdMembers: Name Age James Hurst 67 - Merchant = Own Business Sarah EHurst 65