Snair Family Rembrances. Sedan, Chautauqua County and Grenola, Elk County, Kansas.
Map 1. Arnold Snair Family in Grenola, Elk County, Kansas
Map 2. Arnold Snair Family south of Grenola, in rural Chautauqua County Kansas
Map 3. Arnold Snair Family, Sedan Chautauqua County Kansas
Map 4. Google Earth Map Layer Showing the Arnold Snair Family Locatons
Map 1. Arnold Snair Family in Grenola, Elk County, Kansas
1. (Not visible - behind marker #2) Arnold Snair home c. 1936 - 1940
2. The Snairs also owned this house
3. Bob's swimming hole
4. Horrible 3 room house.
5. Bob's swimming hole
6. Arnold and Jessie Snair are buried here.
7. Joe Hill House.
7. Joe Hill House.
8. (Not visible - behind marker 8)The Snair home before moving about 5 miles south to Section 15. The family moved here around 1936. Uncle Dugan moved here after the Arnold Snair family moved out. The land in red to the north of marker 7 & 8 was farm land rented by Arnold Snair.
9. John and Alice Mann home.
Map 2. Arnold Snair Family south of Grenola, in rural Chautauqua County Kansas
(This map adjoins Map 1 immediately to the south)
A. Gerald & Gladys Mann's house, (Gerald was John Mann's son)
B. John and Alice Mann's 2 story house
C. Site of Pleasant Valley School. Kay and Bette attended here. They rode with the teacher to school.
D.Guy Arbuckle home.
E. Snair Home - located in Sec 15 T32S, R9E. Uncle Dugan lived with the Arnold Snair family here. Arnold couldn't pay the loans on farm and machinery and lost the farm in 1931. Dugan remained as a renter after the bank forclosed. On the map the land to the west of marker "E" was the Snair family farm, to the south was pasture land.
F. Bob Aker Home.
G. Dan Arbuckle Home
H. Former site of Bethel Chapel. The church sat on 1 acre of the Snair's land.
I. Site of the Wolf Creek School
J. Low water creek crossing
K. Swimming hole
L. Site of the Spring Creek School. Kay, Bette, Robert went to school here.
M. (Behind marker "K") = Snair Farm. Moved here in 1931. Rented this Farm
N. Jessie's car ran off this bridge when the steering wheel came off.
O. Arnold Snair rented this for farm land
P = Picked wild figs here.
Map 3. Arnold Snair Family, Sedan Chautauqua County Kansas
1. The Snair's first place in Sedan. Ten acres of rented farm land.
2. Bob's high school
3. Big stone house.
4. Small house.
5. Small 4 room house.
Map 4. Google Earth Map Layer
Google Earth kml file showing the Arnold Snair Family locations in Sedan, Chautauqua County and Grenola, Elk County, Kansas.